Return to Ritual: Grounding Ourselves in Uncertain Times

Ritual is a lost art. It is not taught, encouraged or recognized as a key practice for making meaning within our individual and collective lives. 

As a culture, we have veered so far away from its centering power that many of us don't know how to find our way back. We worry it is...

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Mundane Magic

Trust What You Feel Regardless of What It Looks Like

A couple of weeks ago, our family gathered at my parents' house in deep South Texas. I had a knowing that my son Jack should bring his guitar, and I convinced him to throw it in the back of my car for our 1200-mile road trip.

On our last...

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Mother's Day Toxicity

There is a lot of unhealthy messaging around Mother’s Day. I see many variations of “she’s the most selfless person I know” (i.e, she puts everyone’s needs above hers and is depleted beyond belief).


I minimize my exposure to that rhetoric by curating what I...

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Toppling the Patriarchy: An Artistic Exploration

As I write this, I have just finished watching Origin, a brilliant film documenting the story behind the story of Isabel Wilkerson's book Caste, a manifesto of the origins of what we call racism, illuminating the connective tissue between caste creation across time and cultures that makes it so...

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Speaking Your Truth: A Self-Honoring Practice

As women, we are not encouraged to speak our minds, In fact, we are trained to believe that doing so diminishes our "niceness." And, remember that from our nursery rhyme days we are told that "sugar and spice and everything nice is what little girls are made of." 

That doesn't leave much...

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Vow Faithfulness to YOURSELF this Valentine's Day

It may feel countercultural. Our of synch with the romantic love fest going on around us as Valentine's Day nears. Celebrate the beauty of your romantic relationships, yes, AND spend some time tuning into the places you may be abandoning yourself in your romantic relationships and in your life....

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The Way Back Home: Six Pillars of Self-Sovereignty

It's that time of year again—Resolution Season. It starts January 1 and continues relentlessly highlighting our alleged imperfections until the messaging switches on February 1 to the other tired trope of romantic love solving all of life's woes. 

Let's create a moment of...

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Ancestral Wisdom: Signs & Symbols From Beyond the Veil

November 7 marks the halfway point between the autumn solstice and the winter equinox, a day traditionally known as Samhain.

I know that most celebrated on Halloween or the day after on the Day of the Dead, but technically the veil thins between realms for a week beyond that hallowed eve. 

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Let Your Altar Find You

Did you grow up believing that altars, like God, were outside of yourself? Beyond your realm of authority? That they were divinely inspired shrines that someone "up there" (a male priest, pastor, rabbi, etc.) bestowed with holy authority that imbued those sacred spaces with their power.

In this...

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Sacred Herstory: Lessons From Crete

I am freshly back from a goddess pilgrimage to Crete and still feeling into the experience of immersing myself in an ancient culture that operated outside of the bounds of patriarchy, beyond the lens that has tinted all the history, philosophy, religion and literature from the past 2,000 years.


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Take Your First Step Toward Self-Sovereignty

Yes, a literal first step. Walking in the woods is a go-to centering practice for me. When I am there, I notice more. And there is beauty everywhere. The woods are very accessible from my house. What unique beauty is accessible to you?


Start by looking around you and finding a path...

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Embracing Life's Detours

Sometimes pilgrimages go exactly as planned. Confession: never the ones that I plan! Often, however, their magic and transformative power lie in the things that go “wrong” and what we do with the detour.

Today we thought we were taking a ferry out to the Isle of May, a National Nature...

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