Fixes, Fads, and Self-Betterment Plans, Oh My!

by Patricia Lynn Reilly

It used to be that the pressure to create resolutions and self-betterment plans was most intense around the new year, every year!

For most of us, however, the pressure spills over and we live in a chronic state of planning to be better and to look better, and resolving to...

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The Stories of Our Lives


They are just things. I keep telling myself that.

But why, then, am I hiding in my library while strangers (and a few friends) come and cart my life away? Why am I fighting back tears while writing this?

Because are stories are containers for our memories. They organize our life into...

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Lean into the Spin

by Monette Chilson

This week, I experienced one of those “almost disasters” that reveals the fragility of life. One of those moments that made me realize how little control I have over the part of my life that matters the most to me—the people I love.

My 17-year old son was in a...

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